Alignment > Resolutions

There is a urge to change during this time of year. Parts of the urge to change is natural and others parts are thrusted upon us by society.

This year instead of making goals for making more money, losing weight or something else you may not remember come May, try this instead.

First, think of your future self in 20 years. Imagine you are living an embodied life as your highest self. Ask yourself these questions:

  • How do you feel about life?
  • What brings you joy?
  • How are you connecting to the world around you?

Secondly, I want you to notice parts of you that are aligned to that future self. Nourish and honor those parts of yourself daily. For tips on how to honor self click  this link

Lastly, notice every choice that you are faced with from this point forward,  and ask yourself.. is this in alignment with my highest self/ future self. 
Knowing where you want to go makes it easier to stay on course to get there.

When you are aligned with your purpose it’s easier to enjoy the journey instead of being destination oriented.

How can you choose alignment today?

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